Don't make friends with bad persons, who are negatives or hurt you pyshically and mentally; it makes sense. Don't marry them, it makes sense. Don't make friends or don't have married with someone who are not in your race, your tribe, who don't have faith in the same religion as yours; it doesn't make sense. At all. You are not Hitler. And we've passed millenium, people. All we need is love. Peace, MG.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Heart-warming recipe


Hot chocolate

A cup of coffee with rum


A bowl of HUGS


"T**a**i banget sih!"

"Ya lo berdua yang salah kalo begitu.."

"Sabar yaaaa.."


"Apa Tuhan selalu punya skenario yang sama?"

"Dan semua yang kita bicarakan sekarang,
hanya sampai di sini saja.."

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